Please see below the answers to some common questions.  If you do not see the answer to your query below, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us using our contact form.

1. I would like to apply for my organisation to become a member of BIF.  Who would need to register?

The Head of your organisation or an appointed representative will need to register and the organisation must meet BIF’s requirements in order to become a member.  As BIF was created by families for families, all members representing their National NGO will either have suffered, have cared or are caring for a family member with a brain injury.

2. I do not know if I represent the National NGO (Non-Governmental Organisation) for brain injury in my country.  How do I know or find out?

In order to be the National NGO for brain injury in your country, you need to be recognised as the main non-profit organisation that people would go to when seeking support for a family member or themselves if they have suffered from a brain injury.

This is determined by the size of your organisation, the number of enquiries and aid given to people with a brain injury per year.

We have found that in some countries, the number of organisations providing information and support to those suffering or caring for a individual with brain injury are actually very limited.  Those in operation, may also be very small organisations.  If you are unsure if you are the National NGO for brain injury, please get in touch.

Could you be the first to make a significant difference to those suffering from a brain injury in your country?

3. I am the National NGO for brain injury in my country but we are not part of the European Union.  Can I still join BIF?

In order to become a full member of BIF, you do not need to be a part of the European Union, however your country will still need to be geographically within Europe.  Currently we are unable to offer membership to those outside of Europe, however if you are interested in receiving news and updates from our upcoming newletter, please get in touch.

4. I am not the National Non-Governmental Organisation for my country but would like to become involved with BIF.  How can I participate?

If you are not the National NGO for brain injury in your country, you can still become an Associate Member of BIF.  Associate members can benefit by contributing/gaining access to information and resources on brain injury, but will be unable to vote on decisions made by BIF.

BIF was founded on the principle of sharing and working together to promote the interests of those suffering from or caring for a person with brain injury.  Therefore we welcome those with the same aims and ‘make a difference’ mindset to get involved with BIF and participate.

5. How many meetings does BIF hold per year?

One meeting is held per year:

General Assembly. 

Votes will be cast for new policies and decisions, as well as elections for representatives of the Executive Committee (elections are held every three years).

Executive Meetings

The Executive Committee may meet additionally during the year to further cover matters of business and excel the work of the Confederation.  Other members are not required to attend these meetings.

6. How many days are the meeting held?

The meetings are typically held over two days, usually a Friday – Saturday.

7. Where are the BIF meetings held?

The BIF meeting will typically be held in London or Vienna.  After each meeting, a new date will be set and the location agreed.

In 2020, the General Assembly will be held in London by Headway UK.

8. I’m not able to attend the next BIF meeting – what do I do?

If you are unable to attend the next BIF meeting, please contact the BIF Secretariat Administrator via the contact page.  If a vote is required you will have the opportunity to nominate a proxy.  As a member you will be kept up-to-date with all information and decisions regarding BIF.  We will also assist you if there are specific topics you need more information on or would like to share with specific associations.